Free Tickets To 2018 National Home Show

It’s March already!
Three great things happen in March:
- Daylight savings time returns on March 11th;
- Spring officially arrives on March 20th; and
- The National Home Show runs from March 9 to March 18th.
Every year we participate in Destination Renovation, your first stop for Renovation Conversation, Inspiration and Information. We’ll be at Destination Renovation on Friday March 9 from 1:30pm to 5pm. Drop by for free advice from a professional renovator.
Lou Orazem, Owner and President of Inspire Homes will be speaking on the Main Stage on Friday March 9 from 5pm to 6pm. The presentation it titled The 5 Steps To A Successful Renovation.
To celebrate our participation in Destination Renovation and our feature presentation on the Main Stage, we are giving away 3 pairs of tickets to the National Home Show.
Want a pair? The tickets are printed on paper. Contact Us and provide us with your full name and mailing address, and we’ll mail you a pair, or arrange to pick them up at our office in Etobicoke. Tickets are available to the first 3 people to respond.