Inspire Homes services most of the Greater Toronto Area. We have listed below the towns and cities we work in. Most of our projects involve building permits, and we have experience working with the building departments in these municipalities.
Occasionally, we will take on a project outside of our primary service area, or we may be able to refer you to a builder or renovator in your area.
Toronto Office
Caledon Office
Our Caledon Office services the following areas:
CALEDON - including Bolton, Palgrave, Caledon East, Inglewood, Cheltenham, Alton, Mono Mills
ERIN - including Erin & Hillsburgh
KING TOWNSHIP - including Nobleton, King City & Schomberg
HALTON HILLS - including Georgetown & Acton
HOCKLEY VALLEY - including Town of Mono, and Adjala
ORANGEVILLE and surrounding areas, including East Garafraxa, Mono & Amaranth
GUELPH and Rockwood and Eramosa
Outside the Toronto Area
Occasionally we take on projects outside of our service area. We also encourage you to contact these great companies directly.
Kawartha Lakes - Kawartha Lakes Construction
Kitchener Waterloo Cambridge Guelph - Pioneer Craftsmen
Ottawa - Accessible Bathrooms / Renovations - BUILDABLE
Ottawa - Artium Design Build
Ottawa - Amsted Design Build

